13 June 2013

more event in Taichung

my newspaper zine <佳冬日報> is part of the Let's Zine exhibition.
Thank you AJ and Janeni help. And giving me this opportunity to show my zine in Taiwan.

It is an amazing place in Taichung,
Freedom Men Art Apartments.
Hopefuly i was there to share my happiness with them during their Tea-Party :-)

Photos from Let's Zine
information from Let's Zine:
人們總是渴望閱讀那些人們未曾見過的事物。By Let's Zine

展覽日期 : 6 / 0 1 ~ 7 / 0 7
展覽地點 : Freedom Men Art Apartments 自由人藝術公寓
地址 : 台中市北區五權路594號
開放時間: 週三 - 週日: 13:00 - 21:00
TEL : 0987 444 957

展覽日期 : 5 / 2 5 ~ 6 / 3 0
展覽地點 : 駁二藝術特區蓬萊區B8倉庫
地址 : 高雄鹽埕區大勇路1號
開放時間:週一(Mon.) ~ 週四(Tue.)10:00-18:00
週五(Fri.) ~ 周日(Sun.)及國定假日10:00-20:00
Mail : piertwoart@gmail.com

協辦單位:咱誌Let's Zine。

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